My sincere appreciation goes to all voters and candidates involved in last week’s Morrisville elections. Your hard work and unwavering commitment to our community serve as reminders that residents of Morrisville and neighboring communities want and deserve a place at the table that is local government. You have made it clear that fiscal responsibility, promotion of sustainable growth we can afford and a cost sharing plan to address our traffic concerns are your top priorities. I am ready to get to work on those priorities.
To my family - thank you doesn't quite convey my appreciation for all the work you did and all the complaining you didn't do. For your willingness to roll with the late nights, to-go meals, disruptions to routines, extra responsibilities and important conversations put on hold, I am grateful.
To my campaign volunteers and supporters, thank you. I asked for your help in reaching out to our community and you responded in ways and with hours too numerous to count. Your time, energy and enthusiasm for both the process and the outcome are truly appreciated.
To those who supported a different outcome on November 3rd, I offer this: our Morrisville community is one of delightfully diverse points of view. Those differences will be both respected and welcomed and my door is always open.
To Mayor Jan Faulkner, I offer sincere thanks for your 12 years of dedicated service to our town.
To those newly elected, re-elected and currently serving on our town council, I look forward to our work together. To those candidates who were not elected, your dedication in offering to serve our town is and will continue to be appreciated.