The Budget:

And Beyond:
- Larger recycling bins will be rolled out in early August. To get yours, submit a request here.
- Citizen Survey Panel Morrisville residents are encouraged to participate in shaping town policies through public hearings, public comment opportunities, work shops and our online surveys. Register once for regular
- Dine Local - Supporting local restaurants Morrisville style! Stay tuned for promotions, special dining hours and opportunities to offer community support of our seventy two (yes, 72) local eateries. Congratulations to Morrisville resident Chuck Vitello for the winning entry in our logo contest.
- Community Garden update: the interest survey is now online and a public interest forum is scheduled for July 28th at 6:30 PM. As always, overflow parking is available at the Ed White Chamber Bldg at 260 Town Hall Dr.
- Town Center Code - with the unanimous council vote of approval on July 13th, we're one step closer to creating a downtown. First official building will be our new Fire Station #1.
- And less than 2 weeks into the fiscal year....... thanks to our Street Division Superintendent Jim Grimstead, we'll be entering into a heavy equipment agreement with our neighbors in Cary. Projected savings over the 5 year agreement - $75,000. Not a bad way to start the year.