Monday, December 27, 2010
Safety First

Thursday, July 15, 2010
The Budget and Beyond

- Larger recycling bins will be rolled out in early August. To get yours, submit a request here.
- Citizen Survey Panel Morrisville residents are encouraged to participate in shaping town policies through public hearings, public comment opportunities, work shops and our online surveys. Register once for regular
- Dine Local - Supporting local restaurants Morrisville style! Stay tuned for promotions, special dining hours and opportunities to offer community support of our seventy two (yes, 72) local eateries. Congratulations to Morrisville resident Chuck Vitello for the winning entry in our logo contest.
- Community Garden update: the interest survey is now online and a public interest forum is scheduled for July 28th at 6:30 PM. As always, overflow parking is available at the Ed White Chamber Bldg at 260 Town Hall Dr.
- Town Center Code - with the unanimous council vote of approval on July 13th, we're one step closer to creating a downtown. First official building will be our new Fire Station #1.
- And less than 2 weeks into the fiscal year....... thanks to our Street Division Superintendent Jim Grimstead, we'll be entering into a heavy equipment agreement with our neighbors in Cary. Projected savings over the 5 year agreement - $75,000. Not a bad way to start the year.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Heart of the Triangle - Transportation Info and Updates
Monday, May 10, 2010
FY 2011 Budget Proposal
- No property tax increase
- No new staff positions
- 3 positions currently vacant are frozen
- Conservative capital spending - construction of new Fire Station #1 is the only funded item for FY 2011
- $10 increase in per vehicle fee for needed road maintenance plus matching funds for future CAMPO projects - NC54 corridor study & McCrimmon (preliminary) grade separation/NC 54 intersection design
- Limited town funded events
How do we compare with other Wake municipalities? From the budget proposal:(Click above graphic to enlarge)
Sunday, March 14, 2010
The Next 6 Weeks
Town Center Code - Following our years-in-the-making Town Center Plan, the final public hearing on our Town Center Code is scheduled for March 23rd. The purpose of the Town Center Code is to implement the Town Center Plan adopted by the Town Council in 2007, and to help make sure that new development is built in a manner consistent with this community vision. In addition, the code encourages "eco-conscious design." A council vote on the code is scheduled for April 27.
The first in a series of Mayor's Town Hall Meetings will take place on Wednesday March 24 from 7 - 8 PM at the Morrisville Chamber of Commerce. The topic - an informational update on the Park West Village development, past, present and future.
Budget Portal - Not unlike other area municipalities, Morrisville has adjusted to difficult financial times. Growth has slowed and sales tax and other revenue is not expected to return to previous levels for quite some time. The council has given direction for the Fiscal Year 2011 budget that begins July 1st. Now it's your turn. Share your priorities and expectations by clicking the link.

Census 2010 - Ten minutes, ten questions for Morrisville's share of "per capita" funds. READ: $1200 - $1500 per person per year. The town is doing all it can do keep property taxes low. Here's your chance to help. Fill out your form and mail it back promptly. Census Day is April 1st.
Fitness Challenge - A work in progress, but prompted by Rolesville Mayor Frank Eagles' challenge to area mayors and municipalities. More to come.
Citizen Survey Panel - Morrisville residents are active, engaged participants in our town government and have said time and again that they want a place at the Heart of the Triangle table. Our citizens survey panel is an opportunity to provide input from the comfort of your own home. Or work. Or library.
With sincere thanks to all who dedicate their time and talent to our community,
"Learn the wisdom of compromise, for it is better to bend a little than to break." - Jane Wells
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
The First 6 Weeks
Beginning with the swearing in ceremony on December 8th, these past 6 weeks have been busy ones for our Morrisville town council.
Our retreat on January 9 & 10 focused on working relationships, town goals and our financial picture. Council provided early general direction on our FY 2011 budget: maintain town services without a property tax increase. With intergovernmental revenues continuing to shrink, this will be a tall order. In addition, staff suggested and council agreed that 2010 will be the Year of Transparency. To kick off this year's theme, staff has put together a comprehensive 5 year business plan that provides specific detail on every town expense. Expect an online version to be available to the public in the weeks to come.
Discussions on our Town Center Development Code and Park West Village are ongoing. The public hearing for the Town Center Code will open on 1/26 and likely be continued until February. This is an important step toward further defining our town center and council is committed to an outcome that will benefit residents and business owners alike. An informational meeting on Park West Village will take place on Wednesday, March 24th. Approved in early 2008, minor site plan changes requiring staff review are being proposed. As a courtesy to all interested, a representative of Casto/1st Carolina, Morrisville staff and your mayor will provide updates and answer questions at the meeting on the 24th.
My schedule over these past 6 weeks has included meetings with residents, area mayors, the Wake county school board, CAMPO, business leaders, town staff and members of the press. Each of those meetings has provided opportunities to reinforce both our mission:
"The Town of Morrisville is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life by preserving our past and protecting our future through a collective community partnership. By balancing responsible growth with core values, we embrace a sense of membership, communication, and support.”
and vision:
“The Town of Morrisville will be an innovative crossroads where cultural heritage meets the next generation nurturing vibrant communities of thriving families and businesses while preserving small-town values.”
Casual suggestions of a merger with our much respected neighbor Cary aside, Morrisville is and will continue to be, in more ways than one, the Heart of the Triangle. To wit....