Beginning with the swearing in ceremony on December 8th, these past 6 weeks have been busy ones for our Morrisville town council.
Our retreat on January 9 & 10 focused on working relationships, town goals and our financial picture. Council provided early general direction on our FY 2011 budget: maintain town services without a property tax increase. With intergovernmental revenues continuing to shrink, this will be a tall order. In addition, staff suggested and council agreed that 2010 will be the Year of Transparency. To kick off this year's theme, staff has put together a comprehensive 5 year business plan that provides specific detail on every town expense. Expect an online version to be available to the public in the weeks to come.
Discussions on our Town Center Development Code and Park West Village are ongoing. The public hearing for the Town Center Code will open on 1/26 and likely be continued until February. This is an important step toward further defining our town center and council is committed to an outcome that will benefit residents and business owners alike. An informational meeting on Park West Village will take place on Wednesday, March 24th. Approved in early 2008, minor site plan changes requiring staff review are being proposed. As a courtesy to all interested, a representative of Casto/1st Carolina, Morrisville staff and your mayor will provide updates and answer questions at the meeting on the 24th.
My schedule over these past 6 weeks has included meetings with residents, area mayors, the Wake county school board, CAMPO, business leaders, town staff and members of the press. Each of those meetings has provided opportunities to reinforce both our mission:
"The Town of Morrisville is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life by preserving our past and protecting our future through a collective community partnership. By balancing responsible growth with core values, we embrace a sense of membership, communication, and support.”
and vision:
“The Town of Morrisville will be an innovative crossroads where cultural heritage meets the next generation nurturing vibrant communities of thriving families and businesses while preserving small-town values.”
Casual suggestions of a merger with our much respected neighbor Cary aside, Morrisville is and will continue to be, in more ways than one, the Heart of the Triangle. To wit....
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