Friday, June 22, 2012

Leadership: Morrisville's Town Center

Ten plus years ago, Morrisville town staff and elected officials began what would become the process to define our Town Center.  Envisioned as a vibrant gathering place centered around Morrisville's historic crossroads, our Town Center is taking shape S-L-O-W-L-Y.   But it is taking shape!

After ten years of public-public effort, it is time to look for a new approach.  In March, the Town Council reached consensus to continue shaping our Town Center through public-private partnerships.  Staff is in the process of developing an RFQ to gauge private interest, and details for a trip to visit Matthews, NC - to see first hand what has worked and what hasn't - are being finalized.  Our neighbors to the southwest have graciously agreed to share their experiences in creating a successful Town Center partnership.  Stay tuned! 


  1. Morrisville Town Center will be such an asset to the Heart of the Triangle. I am so excited to be a citizen of our great big "Little" town.
    Where will I be able to read about the "Town Center Code"?
    Best regards to our honorable Mayor!
    Lauren Butler

  2. Lauren, Thank you for your kind words. Visit for an FAQ on the Town Center Code. Recently the Town began working with Wallace Green, Trademark Properties, on an options acquisition process to further our Main St plans.
