Tuesday, May 13, 2008

But the N&O says Cary Tax Rate to Rise Slightly, too

Well.... that headline wasn't quite right. Cary's current property tax rate is 42 cents per $100 valuation. Their revenue neutral rate is 32.38 cents. Cary's proposed rate? 33 cents. It's been awhile, but my less than greater than lessons from early public school education are ones learned and retained. 33 cents is less than 42 cents. Cary's tax RATE is dropping. But what's important to tax payers is the tax bill. In Cary, that bill will rise slightly for most tax payers due to increases in property values. Still, it's a conservative increase. To Cary staff goes the credit.

Now back to Morrisville's .44 tax rate and that hypothetical $300,000 home.....

Morrisville tax bill on a $300k residence: $1318.80
Cary tax bill on a $300k residence: $990.00
DIFFERENCE: $328.80 or 33% more to call Morrisville home

Heart of the Triangle with clogged arteries. And now heartburn. A 33% difference in property taxes between Morrisville and Cary is significant.

Morrisville has grown at an average 8.6% per year for the last 8 years. We grew. We are growing. And now so are our property tax bills. Growth pays for itself? Not even with fuzzy logic.

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