Cary has passed their FY 2010 budget, and with it our new Morrisville water and sewer rates. Yes, your utility bill will go up beginning with the August bill. Here's what residential water customers can expect:
Water base charge: $5.00/month (no change)
Sewer base charge: $5.00/month (no change)
Water: 1 - 8,000 gallons: $4.00/1,000 gallons (previously $3.87)
Water: 8001 - 23,000 gallons: $5.66/1,000 gallons (previously $5.49)
Water: > 23,000 gallons: $11.40/1,000 gallons
Sewer: $8.39/1,000 gallons (was $7.34 OUCH!)
For an average user of 7,000 gallons per month, that equates to an extra $8.26 per bill.
Why the increases? The short answer - Morrisville rate payers are obligated to fund a portion of the yet to be built wastewater treatment facility. Costs go up, our rates follow.
Expect more of the same over the next several years unless our elected officials negotiate with Cary. Stay tuned. And check for leaks.
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