One participant described our recent and very hot Saturday volunteering together this way:
"My daughter has autism and is a member of this really cool united cheerleading team (typical kids and special needs kids) The community has really supported this team by giving to our fundraising (two trips to Nationals in Orlando FL were completely paid for, two uniforms paid for etc) Anyway this was a project that needed to be done but the town didn't have the money or manpower to do it so they supplied materials and we supplied the man power (and GIRL power!) It was nice for our kids who receive so much help from others to be able to give back!"
It was indeed. The much needed facelift to the fence at Morrisville's Ruritan Park is now a work in progress, with a second work day scheduled for later this week.
And just as important as the cosmetic changes to the fence - the Super Star cheer team model of inclusion has expanded to community service. Thanks go to our coach, team members, their parents, siblings, friends, grandparents and town of Morrisville staff.
You make a living by what you get, but you make a life by what you give.
-- Winston Churchill
Jackie - thanks very much for organizing this event. It was really an inspiring opportunity for our team to give back as so much has indeed been given to them!